What are the BEST THINGS a Student Can Do During this Lockdown Period?

Best things a Student can do During this LockDown/Quarantine Period - By Atharva Dehadraya

COVID-19 has brought so many difficulties for the whole world and even our own country is TRYING HARD to recover from the damage caused by the Pandemic. 
In the current scenario, it is our duty to support our family, neighbours, the police, health officials, local administration and not violate any instruction given to us. 

During this time, many Students preparing for COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS may find their studies greatly affected. But, this period should not be seen as a HARD TIME by the students, instead this Lockdown has provided them a GOOD chance to boost-up their preparation.

Best things a Student can do During this LockDown/Quarantine Period - By Atharva Dehadraya
So, this is the time to keep our spirits high because "Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining".

There are wide range of things which STUDENTS preparing for competitive examinations may do-

  1. First of all, you should draw a ROADMAP in your mind about what all things you would like to achieve in this span.
  2. Set up TARGETS and GOALS which will motivate you to move ahead successfully.
  3. In studies, first try to clear your BACKLOG, i.e. the topics which you could not complete before.
  4. After clearing your backlog, you should work on those topics, which you used to find difficult or less interesting, by giving them sometime everyday. Say, if you are an IIT-JEE aspirant and used to find it difficult to solve ROTATIONAL DYNAMICS problems, then you should revise it again and again and practice it more. This will help to build confidence.
  5. Try to revise INORGANIC CHEMISTRY everyday for half an hour through your short notes, as it is usually forgotten by most students with time
    Best things a Student can do During this LockDown/Quarantine Period - By Atharva Dehadraya
    Picture Credit- www.freepik.com
  6. If you are thorough with your concepts, then you should try out new books which you could not solve before.
  7. During this period, the Dull and Fearful environment may make you feel low, so you can resort to MORNING EXERCISE and MEDITATION for a peaceful and healthy mind.
    Best things a Student can do During this LockDown/Quarantine Period - By Atharva Dehadraya
    Picture Credit- www.freepik.com
  8. Do not aim to follow a PERFECT TIME TABLE which is full of study hours and nothing else, as if you are not able to follow it, you lose your Self-Confidence.
  9. This is the best time for you to take up your hobbies which you were unable to do during your BUSY SCHEDULE. Such as Playing any Musical Instrument, Drawing/Sketching/Painting, Writing Blogs, Learning any Programming Language, Writing etc.
  10. You should also develop habit of reading few pages of a NOVEL or any other good book everyday as it adds to your vocabulary which is a great thing.
    Best things a Student can do During this LockDown/Quarantine Period - By Atharva Dehadraya
  11. Spend more time with your Family as in this BUSY WORLD, we hardly get to freely spend time with them. Enjoy this opportunity to be with your family, share their interests, get their experience and have a laugh with them, recalling happy moments of the past.
  12. Have a talk with your close friends as this is a great way to socialise.
    Best things a Student can do During this LockDown/Quarantine Period - By Atharva Dehadraya
  13. Avoid watching NEWS Channels for long as it may spoil your good mood and feel sad about the situation. This time is to keep your spirits high.
  14. Play indoor games with your family such as Ludo, Cards, Chess, Dumb Charades etc. to refresh yourself.
    Best things a Student can do During this LockDown/Quarantine Period - By Atharva Dehadraya


Best things a Student can do During this LockDown/Quarantine Period - By Atharva Dehadraya

Best things a Student can do During this LockDown/Quarantine Period - By Atharva Dehadraya

And Give wishes to "COVID-19 WARRIORS" from the bottom of your heart!
Best things a Student can do During this LockDown/Quarantine Period - By Atharva Dehadraya

PHOTO CREDIT: www.freepik.com

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